1·We are currently benefiting from tremendous goodwill and cooperation from our neighboring Asian institutions for our academic and training activities.
2·Anticipation of a change in currency regime may well lead to reduced accumulation of Treasuries by Asian institutions, promoting wider US-European spreads and a weaker dollar.
3·The dramatic falls in Asia, which triggered subsequent declines in Europe, underline doubts over the exposure of Asian Banks and financial institutions to a crisis that began in the US.
4·Two major shocks then aggravated that fiscal restraint: the Asian financial crisis, which pummelled exports, and the collapse of several big financial institutions.
5·Drawing on the positive aspects of the Asian way suggests the possibility of more inclusive decision-making in the institutions of global governance.
6·Enid Yip, Sarasin's Asian chief executive, focuses on “cherry-picking” senior bankers, many of whom became dissatisfied with life in larger institutions.
嘉盛莱宝亚洲业务首席执行官叶英丽(Enid Yip)着重于“精挑细选”资深银行家,其中有许多人对在大规模机构的工作状态变得越来越不满。
7·In other words, there is a widespread belief that success for Asian societies is dependent on their adoption of western values and institutions.
8·Many critics see it as possible competitor to existing institutions like the Asian Development Bank.
9·The cooperation with Asian, American and European institutions and universities gives us the opportunity to develop the latest technology.
10·A Study on the Outline History of Household Responsibility System in Rural China since 1949: Organizations, Institutions and Their Changes, African and Asian Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3-4,2004, Brill, USA.
家庭责任制与农民收入:一个经济制度变迁史的回顾,中国农业经济评论,国内期刊,2004年第3期, 1/1。